Trades Training in Highschool Notes to Parents: Conquering Myths of Careers in Construction, Building and Manufacturing

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Full titletrades training in highschool notes to parents conquering myths of careers in construction building and manufacturing
Authormartin hillary mullins
Grouping Categorybook
Last Update2024-08-23 07:50:11AM
Last Indexed2024-12-19 10:32:33AM

Hoopla Extract Information

stdClass Object
    [year] => 2022
    [artist] => Hillary Mullins Martin
    [fiction] => 
    [coverImageUrl] =>
    [titleId] => 16355949
    [isbn] => 9781667826059
    [abridged] => 
    [language] => ENGLISH
    [profanity] => 
    [title] => Trades Training in Highschool Notes to Parents
    [demo] => 
    [segments] => Array

    [duration] => 0m 0s
    [children] => 
    [artists] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Hillary Mullins Martin
                    [artistFormal] => Martin, Hillary Mullins
                    [relationship] => AUTHOR


    [genres] => Array
            [0] => Curricula
            [1] => Education

    [price] => 0.34
    [id] => 16355949
    [edited] => 
    [kind] => EBOOK
    [active] => 1
    [upc] => 
    [synopsis] => It's a new generation and schools are offering valuable training to students. This short book attempts to put at ease some serious misconceptions and old stereotypes of what is means for students to enroll or enter endorsement pathway in high school that focuses on Construction, Building Trades and / or Manufacturing. I have seen a lot of changes and improvements over the last few years and It goes a long way for students to have the pride and support of their family as they pursue their future pathways. This is a high level overview addressing misconceptions.
    [url] =>
    [pa] => 
    [subtitle] => Conquering Myths of Careers in Construction, Building and Manufacturing
    [publisher] => BookBaby
    [purchaseModel] => INSTANT