Automatic Holds
Skagit County does not have a county-wide library system. Borrowers living in a library taxing district, or within the city limits of a city supporting a library, may get a library card. For Central Skagit Library District, only the city of Sedro-Woolley pays for library services. Lyman and Hamilton currently do not.
Students in the Sedro-Woolley School District may get free student cards regardless of where they live. Teachers in the Sedro-Woolley School District may show proof of employment to receive a library card.
Patrons must provide proof of identification and residency as listed below. Property owners' proof of address can be verified through the Skagit County Property Search website.
- Passport
- Social Security Card
- Birth Certificate
- Driver's License
- Military ID
- School or College ID
- School Report Card or Schedule
- Shot Record
- Health Insurance Card
- State issued ID
- Selective Service Card
- Non-expired credit card
- Current utility bill with name and address
- Checkbook with name and address
- Current tax receipt
- Lease or rental agreement
- Mortgage document
- Automobile registration
- Voter registration card with address
- Mail (e.g. statements, invoices, bills) with name, address, and current date (30 days or fewer)
Residents of areas not supporting a city library or district library through property taxes are ineligible for a free library card. If purchasing a card, you are encouraged to visit multiple local libraries to find the library that best meets your family's needs. Providing services to patrons who do not pay taxes to support library services is considered gifting of public funds by the Washington State Auditor’s Office. Those citizens living in areas not paying into a library district may contact Skagit County to find out how to organize a taxing district.
- Patrons are limited to checking out 100 items at a time. DVDs are limited to 10 items at a time.
- Student cards may check out 5 items at a time unless a parent authorizes the student to have a full consortium card.
- Items check out for 3 weeks and can be renewed online or by calling the library before they are due. Eligible items will also auto-renew. Items that other patrons have placed on hold may not be renewed.
- All books, DVDs, magazines, audiobooks and tablets (in the protective case) may be returned in the 24-hour book drops near each entrance.
- Log in to your library account to see loans, due dates, and to place holds on materials for convenient pick-up. Your library card number can be found on the back of your card and your PIN defaults to the last four digits of the phone number attached to your account.
- Patrons can choose to have hold materials placed in our 24-hour locker system to the east of the north entrance.
BE AWARE: if you pay by credit, debit or payment app, your document will print immediately, whether you are in the library or not! Remember to check the library's open hours and retrieve your document(s) within 24 hours.
Print from phone or tablet:
- Point your device's camera at this QR code
- Tap the "" bubble that appears when the camera focuses on the QR code
- Follow the instructions on your screen
- If necessary, enter the library printer ID: 1 0 4 4 8 6
Print from computer:
- Go to
- Enter the library printer ID: 1 0 4 4 8 6
- Select document(s), choose print settings, and continue to payment screen
- Pick up document from library within 24 hours
- Library printers use letter-sized paper (8.5" X 11")
- B&W copies: $ 0.10 per page
- Color copies: $ 0.25 per page
Library staff can accept only small cash payments. The following payment methods are available through Princh, the library's printing service:
Access to the internet is no longer a luxury - it's a necessity! Computers are wiped clean of data at every reboot. Office 365 available on most computers and laptops.
- 12 desktop PCs: 4 in the teen area, 4 in the Quiet Reading room, 4 in general computer use area
- 15 laptops available for use in the Library
- 3 children's computers with educational games and no internet access
CSLD offers fast, free wireless internet access for everyone. The signal reaches beyond the library building and is available all day, every day. The network name is "CSL-Guest" and there is no password. This is an open network, so please be cautious about transmitting confidential information.
Career Online High School - COHS offers adults the opportunity to earn an accredited high school diploma and a career certificate online with the flexibility of online access, 24/7.
The Library Director serves as the Public Records Officer for the district. Requests for records should be emailed to Please see our Public Records Request Policy and Form for more information.